Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Couldn't get out of bed!

Oh jeeze....I could not get out of bed this morning. So warm and cozy, no one was snoring, or farting, or taking my covers or trying to take my spot in the bed. You should know this is unusual. One dog sleeps across the bed, the other is either at our feet or trying to take our pillows. The husband wasn't snoring...also weird, he always does. The alarm went off this morning to the always chipper Morning BOUNCE, My alarm clock is across the room so I have to get up to turn it off, I managed this morning to do it without opening my eyes. There were no dog toys or clothes to trip on, hit the snooze button and back to bed without really waking up, Life is good! Problem is I repeated that process three or four times, and finally rolled into work at 9:30......still sleepy

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