Check out her photostream...also if you want to know how she did this shot, check out her comments, there are many clues!
Hats off to
Monday, November 30, 2009
Super SHot and another example of painting with light
Friday, November 27, 2009
Y mas Tango
One of the things I love most about Photography, is that it can provoke emotions. Its crazy the passion that is here in this photo. The old saying is true, "a picture is worth a thousand words" And it does seem (to me anyway) that every photo has a secret in it, even if its a posed portrait there is a story in there.....
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
True Blood Season 3...Bring It!!

Are you as anxious as I am for Season Three of True Blood to get started??! I'm reading two different start dates for the new season, one is December (I wish!) the other is June of next year, way more likely. Here's why, there is going to be a boatload of new characters this season, including the lusty mclusterson Alcide! There are a number of interviews floating around and Allan Ball has promised NO STUNT Casting! haha cool...... Here's a bit of an interview I found...
How closely will you follow the third book next season?
BALL: We take the gist of the books, [but] we will depart whenever we feel like it makes better television as opposed to reading. We continue to use the books as templates. But now that I’ve read all nine books there are things that are revealed in later books that we are moving up so that they’ll probably happen in the show earlier than they do in the books.
Will you introduce werewolf Alcide?
BALL: Yes.
Have you cast him?
BALL: No. We will also meet Sam’s blood relatives, the super bad vampire Franklin Mott, we’ll meet Debbie Pelt, we will actually meet the people who live in Hotshot a little bit ahead of schedule. We’ve already broken four episodes and I’ve sent writers out to write scripts over the hiatus.
Have we seen the last of the Fellowship of the Sun?
BALL: No. Just because Steve got humiliated, they still exist. And maybe he’s angrier than ever.
The fact that Jason killed Eggs has me thinking you might restart the Jason-Tara love story next season. Will you?
BALL: Certainly, Jason is going to be consumed with guilt. And he’s going to feel like, “I’ve ruined her life and I’ve got to make her feel better.” Whether that’s wise in any way shape or form remains to be seen. I think Tara certainly gave up on her obsession with Jason, but now that she’s dealing with the worst thing that ever happened to her, she might be more vulnerable to his charms.
Is Tara ever going to be in a happy relationship?
BALL: Happy relationships are boring. We all want them in our own life. But I don’t want to watch them on TV.
Any plans to give Lafayette a boyfriend?
BALL: Yes.
Anything imminent?
BALL: Nothing I can talk about. But certainly we will see more and more of Lafayette. He built a lot of walls around himself. But we will see him get vulnerable next year — and not just being afraid of Eric.
Any regrets killing off Godric? As I’m sure you’re aware the character was very well-received.
BALL: There’s no regret in killing him off because I think that [story was] really powerful. That was my favorite thing about the second book. However, we can always go back in history. He and Eric had a relationship for a thousand years. We can always go back and see him again.
Are Hoyt and Jessica doomed?
BALL: They still love each other. But there will be problems — as you probably could tell based on last night’s episode.
You do realize how awesome those two are together, right?
BALL: I totally know that.
How long do we have to wait for season 3?
BALL: It’s probably going to premiere around the same time it did this year. We’re going to try to shoot one episode before the Christmas break. I don’t know if HBO will bring the show back earlier, but it certainly won’t be later.
Is there anything I’m forgetting to ask you?
BALL: I’m surprised you didn’t ask who took Bill.
Who took Bill?
BALL: It was Hoyt’s mother.
Personally I doubt it was Hoyts Mom...I have my suspicions though, if you can't wait for the show, BUY THE BOOKS!!! Chapters has the ENTIRE series and they are brilliant!
Also, keep an eye on this website
Dallas is a sweetheart we've she always has new info on her site. She also does a weekly Blog cast about the books and the show.
Bring me Season 3!! Oh and if there is a True Blood fan on your Christmas list Season 2 is on DVD in time for Christmas...of course.
The Cute Line [Explored]
maaaww, makes me want to snuggle everyone one of them!! The Cutness is almost unbareable
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Couldn't get out of bed!
Oh jeeze....I could not get out of bed this morning. So warm and cozy, no one was snoring, or farting, or taking my covers or trying to take my spot in the bed. You should know this is unusual. One dog sleeps across the bed, the other is either at our feet or trying to take our pillows. The husband wasn't snoring...also weird, he always does. The alarm went off this morning to the always chipper Morning BOUNCE, My alarm clock is across the room so I have to get up to turn it off, I managed this morning to do it without opening my eyes. There were no dog toys or clothes to trip on, hit the snooze button and back to bed without really waking up, Life is good! Problem is I repeated that process three or four times, and finally rolled into work at 9:30......still sleepy
Monday, November 23, 2009
This is why I Love Beyonce!
Go B!
This is one of my fav all time Parodys of ring the alarm.....enjoy
Love...For ever
I have laid eyes on this photo a few times, and I like it every time I see it. Give it a shot, see what happens....
Sunday, November 22, 2009
This is why I LOVE Lenny Kravitz
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Alicia Keys! This is why I love her!
Show your love for this track tonight during Pump It Or Dump it With Kid Criag.
Amazing! The thing I like about this picture is its simplicity. Its a fantastic clean shot. Nothing but Cudos to the photographer! Click on the name to check out more of this artists stuff, you'll be impressed!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
by Matt McDaniel · November 18, 2009
The film doesn't start spooling through projectors until midnight Thursday, but "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is already setting records for ticket sales.
Online ticket seller announced today that the second "Twilight" movie has taken the top spot on their list of the "Top 10 Advance Ticket Sellers of All-Time." It passed the record set four years ago by "Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith." Even established franchises like "The Lord of the Rings," "Harry Potter" and "The Dark Knight" couldn't match the early sales of this highly anticipated sequel.
"New Moon" also became the top pre-selling movie ever for the other major online ticket seller, Both and Fandango report that the movie accounts for 94% of all the tickets currently being sold on their sites.
Fandango also points out that its second-highest ticket seller yesterday was Thursday night's re-release of "Twilight," which is playing in some theaters before "New Moon" debuts at midnight.
While many of the earliest screenings of the film have been sold out for weeks, is quick to note that there are still thousands of tickets still available for other showings this weekend. There has been speculation that news stories of advance sellouts for "Michael Jackson's This Is It" kept some potential viewers at home on its opening weekend last month.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hits the Drums like he means it!
Bring On The CHEESE
Thursday, November 12, 2009
If I was going to be a Rockstar.....
If You haven't watched her Vid for Bad Romance yet.....Check it out here.....
Viva la Gaga
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Honestly I've watched a lot of xbox, I even enjoy a few games myself, but nothing has impressed me as much as this game. Here's the trailer incase you haven't checked it out yet.
One of things it's eay to forget when you worry about composure, exposure, and f-stops etc etc is that Photography is a an art all about light. Light can make or break a shot.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Holy Impact! If I was walking down a street and saw this photo posted somewhere I'd notice it for sure!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Vacation Check in!!
First up, Books number 1

Coveted By J.R Ward, she has an entire series about "The Black Dagger Brotherhood". Sexy, brutal, and passionate, each book in that series is the story about another one of the Brothers and his struggles, and his discovery of his life mate. Watch the naughty parts it's gets pretty steamy! But this book is a departure from the series. It's about a man who dies and finds himself in the middle of a fight between good and evil. Not your typical story as you get into it, The Main character is a perfect anti-hero. He has a mysterious militaryish history, which actually comes in pretty handy. They way the book ended leaves room for more souls for him to save so watch out for more in the series. I like JR Wards writing I have been enjoying for a couple of years and If you're a reader, or think you may want to try a book on for size, I say go for this one. Oh, if you've been following the Brotherhood the next book drops on 2010 and it's about John Matthew.
Book 2

This is the third book in a series by Dakota Cassidy. The series is about a trio of friends who "accidentally" find themselves in life changing situations. The first book is about Marty who is accidentally bitten by a werewolf and of course, they fall hopelessly in love. The there is Nina, the confrontational potty mouth who trains to become a Dentist Assistant and is accidentally bitten by a Vampire,(who knew they went to the dentest) the guessed it end up falling hopelessly in love. Then there is Wanda. She's the peacemaker of the three constantly making lists. Wanda finds out some horrible news and for most of the book you get a look at how it must feel to be given just months to live. Right on cue a handsome stranger walks into her life. As the story goes on you find yourself pulling for Heath, and waiting for Wanda to give the news to her ultimate besties. Lots of colourful language including great new slang and curse words from Nina. A fun read knocked it back in a day. Plenty of Laugh Out Loud moments in all three books.
Book Number 3

Nothing supernatural in this book so if that isn't your thing, keep an eye out for Out Of Character by Vanessa Craft. She lives in Toronto. And the book is about a girl who is the daughter of a very wealthy playboy father. Daddy doesn't really pay that much attention to her and you could call their relationship awkward. Dad is getting remarried his first wife walked on them both and for most of the book you see the main character trying to understand why. She's mousy, prefers books to people and works for a magazine. The idea for a story is pitched during a meeting, the story is about a very exclusive "gentleman's club" of course our main character offers to go into the club under cover as a stripper. Hilarity ensues for the first couple shifts at the club, epic fail you might say. Father and Daughter eventually find themselves connecting in a very unusually way. Its crazy how far and what it takes for some fathers and daughters to finally see each other. The best news....this one was in the discount section!! and if you have a Chapters card it's under 5 bucks shaweeeeeeettttt!
Book 4

Venomous, I've just started this one only a few chapters in and its interesting. The main character has Anger issues. He calls it Venom. When I left off this socially awkward teen was at a party where there were Goths, Rude Boys, Metal Heads, Punks all gathered together for a out door party there was a Goth Girl who kissed him and ran away and a boy who is the "leader" of this crazy mixture of stereotypes kissed him too after the two share their common stories. Needless to say I'm excited to see what comes next and to find out if he ever gets control of this Venom.
I'm off for the final three days of Vacation!! A Couple of Mooseheads games over the next couple of Days, I'll see you at the Metro Center.
An extrely chilled
Mel B