Are you as anxious as I am for Season Three of True Blood to get started??! I'm reading two different start dates for the new season, one is December (I wish!) the other is June of next year, way more likely. Here's why, there is going to be a boatload of new characters this season, including the lusty mclusterson Alcide! There are a number of interviews floating around and Allan Ball has promised NO STUNT Casting! haha cool...... Here's a bit of an interview I found...
How closely will you follow the third book next season?
BALL: We take the gist of the books, [but] we will depart whenever we feel like it makes better television as opposed to reading. We continue to use the books as templates. But now that I’ve read all nine books there are things that are revealed in later books that we are moving up so that they’ll probably happen in the show earlier than they do in the books.
Will you introduce werewolf Alcide?
BALL: Yes.
Have you cast him?
BALL: No. We will also meet Sam’s blood relatives, the super bad vampire Franklin Mott, we’ll meet Debbie Pelt, we will actually meet the people who live in Hotshot a little bit ahead of schedule. We’ve already broken four episodes and I’ve sent writers out to write scripts over the hiatus.
Have we seen the last of the Fellowship of the Sun?
BALL: No. Just because Steve got humiliated, they still exist. And maybe he’s angrier than ever.
The fact that Jason killed Eggs has me thinking you might restart the Jason-Tara love story next season. Will you?
BALL: Certainly, Jason is going to be consumed with guilt. And he’s going to feel like, “I’ve ruined her life and I’ve got to make her feel better.” Whether that’s wise in any way shape or form remains to be seen. I think Tara certainly gave up on her obsession with Jason, but now that she’s dealing with the worst thing that ever happened to her, she might be more vulnerable to his charms.
Is Tara ever going to be in a happy relationship?
BALL: Happy relationships are boring. We all want them in our own life. But I don’t want to watch them on TV.
Any plans to give Lafayette a boyfriend?
BALL: Yes.
Anything imminent?
BALL: Nothing I can talk about. But certainly we will see more and more of Lafayette. He built a lot of walls around himself. But we will see him get vulnerable next year — and not just being afraid of Eric.
Any regrets killing off Godric? As I’m sure you’re aware the character was very well-received.
BALL: There’s no regret in killing him off because I think that [story was] really powerful. That was my favorite thing about the second book. However, we can always go back in history. He and Eric had a relationship for a thousand years. We can always go back and see him again.
Are Hoyt and Jessica doomed?
BALL: They still love each other. But there will be problems — as you probably could tell based on last night’s episode.
You do realize how awesome those two are together, right?
BALL: I totally know that.
How long do we have to wait for season 3?
BALL: It’s probably going to premiere around the same time it did this year. We’re going to try to shoot one episode before the Christmas break. I don’t know if HBO will bring the show back earlier, but it certainly won’t be later.
Is there anything I’m forgetting to ask you?
BALL: I’m surprised you didn’t ask who took Bill.
Who took Bill?
BALL: It was Hoyt’s mother.
Personally I doubt it was Hoyts Mom...I have my suspicions though, if you can't wait for the show, BUY THE BOOKS!!! Chapters has the ENTIRE series and they are brilliant!
Also, keep an eye on this website www.lovingtruebloodindallas.com
Dallas is a sweetheart we've tweeted..lol....and she always has new info on her site. She also does a weekly Blog cast about the books and the show.
Bring me Season 3!! Oh and if there is a True Blood fan on your Christmas list Season 2 is on DVD in time for Christmas...of course.
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