****Update Canada won!! w00t w00t
New Years for Mel B was quiet, broke in a BBQ we got for Christmas and watched movies and hockey and movies and more movies. I think Im going to miss this idea of working three days then off for four, it's pretty sweet!!
My project this year is to take and post a picture everyday, and already I am behind. I have pictures, Just haven't posted them yet. The idea is one I got from flickr, lots pf people give this project a shot, thought I'd jump on the bandwagon. You can jump on too, just name the pictures like this 1/365 then 2/365 etc etc etc....
So here goes

I took this picture On November 11th. I go to my Grandfather & Grandmothers grave site every year, and pin my poppy to the Canadian Flag that the Canadian Legion Leaves on the graves off all war vets. It's a stunning visual to see all the flags blowing proudly on this day especially. Nevember 11th is down to science, The Observance at Cole Harbour Place, then visit my Grandparents and take new pictures every year.
I did run this trough Photoshop, I upped the contrast and added a warming filter to fill in some of the washed out colour.

This one was also taken on Nov 11. Its a statue at the graveyeard where my Grandparents are. This was also run through Photoshop..Adobe Photoshop, the Sun and lens flare, what little there is, was done when the picture was taken. I brought back the highlites, boosted the shadows, and boosted the blue hue.
This was done by accident but I kinda like it....most Photograhy Teacher would cringe in the vile use of flash, but I dig it....All I did was open my flash, and take a picture of my man sitting next to me at a Mooseheads game. This is the result, cool or not, that's for you to decide, I like it. No Photoshop was used in the rendering of this picture.
Mel B
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