Monday, December 13, 2010

Absolutly no EXCUSES!

HRP Impaired Driving Statistics for November

In November, citizens and Halifax Regional Police joined forces to continue the fight against drinking and driving.

Throughout the month, police charged 51 people - 42 men and nine women with impaired driving. Of these incidents, 24 were initiated by police during traffic stops and check points, ten were identified after a collision had occurred and 17 were called-in by concerned citizens. Officers issued an additional four 7-day suspensions to people having a blood alcohol level between 50-80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (mg%).

Of the 51 cases, 14 involved blood alcohol levels that were at least twice the legal limit, ten involved drivers who refused to provide a breath sample and three involved people who were impaired by drugs.

Driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs puts everyone in danger. In December 2009, MADD Canada and the Province of Nova Scotia launched Campaign 911 which encourages people to call police with information on suspected impaired drivers. Halifax Regional Police continues to be encouraged by the number of citizens helping to play a role in community safety. If you have information on a drunk driver, please call 911.

Do us all a favour, if you have been drinking call someone else to drive you. There are tonns of options out there and no excuses anymore for people who drink and drive. You are putting yourself and tonns of other people at risk.

Kali O'Dell. If you don't know who she is you need to go to, no actually here no need to click anywhere else,

Over the holiday season use the Operation Rednose Service, to book your drive home.

Driving under the influence is so avoidable, so avoid it.

Mel B

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